Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Finally There Is One

Wow! I saw a link at David Codrea's War on Guns blog.

Take a look at Oath Keepers and breathe some fresh air. Ohio Peace Officer Jim Singleton has taken a stand. His die is cast. May God bless him!

It should not be surprising to see a Peace Officer saying publicly and for the record, that he intends to honor his oath. These days, however, it is surprising.

It also shows that there is hope. Perhaps some other Peace Officers who feel the same but were afraid to speak out (peer pressure is a bitch) will now find the courage to take a stand. Perhaps some others who were on the fence will no grow a pair of Constitutional gonads and come down on the side of Life, Liberty, and Property. Perhaps now, there will be a clear delineation between those who believe their job is to serve at the pleasure of the public and those who believe their job is to subjugate the public.

The rest of you, where do you stand? Will you be Peace Officers or Law Imposement thugs?

Below is a transcript of his letter. Well done, Jim!

Ohio Oath Keepers
Office of the Secretary
Law Enforcement Liaison

Greetings and Salutations,

It’s unfortunate that I have to write this letter, however in light of current events it is inevitable. Just days ago the United States Congress passed the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) this in itself was necessary. However in this bill was an insidious piece of verbiage that for all intents and purposes destroys the foundation of everything we believe in and took an oath to uphold. To me the possibility of those citizens and others under my protection being spirited off in the middle of the night by agents of the military, then being summarily incarcerated without access to judge or jury are insufferable and intolerable acts.
It will be argued that this only applies to foreign persons or others suspected of terrorism, but there are far too many avenues available to apply this to any group to which any administration may take umbrage with. When growing up and especially during our training in the academy we are instructed that the constitutional rights of all must be upheld at all times, as well as the respect for all people we come in contact with or represent. This section of the NDAA attempts to remove those rights which are enumerated and given to us by our creator, and places them in the hands of the office of the President of the United States to be disregarded at his whim.

And in those few words lies a conundrum, do we as police officers, sheriffs, deputies and others who have taken the oath to uphold and defend the constitution, now turn our back on that very oath? Do we now turn against the very same people that entrusted us with a most sacred duty to serve and protect them? If in fact we follow a rule of law such as this bill enacts, it would mean that the oath that we all took meant nothing. We are obliged to follow all lawful orders given to us, but we cannot do this blindly. History has seen the result of these acts and has judged them accordingly. I can only ask all of you to take a moment to reflect upon all that we are taught and hold dear, the people we serve deserve and demand our highest respect for it is through them and they alone that we were given this oath. Do we simply turn a blind eye for the sake of political expediency and lose our respect? Is a few pieces of silver so dear that we would sell our honor for it? How will we explain to our friends and loved ones why members of our community were spirited away or how will they see us when they realize (that when their time comes) we won’t be there for them?

I believe that if and when those orders come, I cannot in good faith and in strict observance to my oath, allow myself to be a part of them. I would hope that members of our military in accordance to the articles of the UCMJ, would also refuse them as well. When that time comes I will do exactly as I have sworn to do, I will serve and protect those under my care, so help me God.

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying,
Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
Then said I, Here am I; send me. Isaiah 6:8

Respectfully Submitted
James B. Singleton

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