Saturday, January 16, 2016

Subatomic Particles React To Our Intentions

Quantum physicists have seen again and again how subatomic particles react to the intention of the observer. This throws a monkey wrench into the "objective study" of the physical world. 
This site is one of the first I read when I asked Google to find "subatomic particles respond to our thoughts. Below is the money quote from that piece. 
These subatomic particles are constantly on the move, spinning about their axis at incredible speeds. Scientists are curious to know how fast they move and in what directions they move. Trying to measure a subatomic particle’s movement is more difficult than measuring the running patterns of three hundred eight year olds released into the school playground at lunchtime.
The problem that physicists have come up against is that when a scientist attempts to measure the spin of a particle the particle plays a trick. If the physicist sets up his apparatus to measure the particle to see if it spins in Direction A, then when the experiment begins the particle is found to be spinning in Direction A. If the physicist moves to check Direction B, then the particle is found to be spinning in Direction B. The particle is always found to be spinning in the reference direction chosen by the experimenter.
It is a property which completely undermines any attempt to make sense of the concept of direction in the quantum domain” says science writer Paul Davies. “It also introduces a bizzare subjective element into the physical world. If the spin of a particle is destined to follow forever the experimenter’s random choice of reference direction, the experimenter’s free will somehow intrudes into the microworld. The uncanny slavishness that obliges all spinning particles to adopt the experimenter’s definition of angle is suggestive of mind over matter. (my highlight).” (Davies 1985, p.33)

If we only have the faith of a mustard seed...

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