Thursday, December 31, 2015

Get Outta The Way! It's Gonna Collapse!

This story comes from

It seems a hotel tower in Dubai has become a raging inferno. According to the 9/11 model, this building should collapse into its own footprint approximately 90 minutes after the start of the fire. Or, it should collapse at any time in the future when the lease holder says, "Pull it."

My favorite quote from the comments, a fellow named Pissdoff says,

"OK then, according to NIST and their "Laws" of physics, this will collapse in 90 minutes in a pancake footprint, with all steel being already in 32ft sections for ez totin for salvage to China. Has it collapsed yet???...."

Friday, December 25, 2015

The Meaning of This Day

Christ is born! A miracle has happened. God has been born in the flesh. He has come to sanctify the Faithful. He has come to call home those who are his. He has come to evangelize the world, to offer a path to the blind and ultimately to offer himself in sacrifice.

[26] And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth, [27] To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin' s name was Mary. [28] And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. [29] Who having heard, was troubled at his saying, and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be. [30] And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God.
[31] Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus. [32] He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever. [33] And of his kingdom there shall be no end. [34] And Mary said to the angel: How shall this be done, because I know not man? [35] And the angel answering, said to her: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
[36] And behold thy cousin Elizabeth, she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that is called barren: [37] Because no word shall be impossible with God. [38] And Mary said: Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her. [39] And Mary rising up in those days, went into the hill country with haste into a city of Juda. [40] And she entered into the house of Zachary, and saluted Elizabeth.

[41] And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: [42] And she cried out with a loud voice, and said: Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. [43] And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? [44] For behold as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. [45] And blessed art thou that hast believed, because those things shall be accomplished that were spoken to thee by the Lord.
[46] And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. [47] And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. [48] Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. [49] Because he that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy is his name. [50] And his mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that fear him.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Structural Failure Due To Red Hot Steel? Ok Then, Shut The Fuck Up!

This video has been posted all over the net. Many people are pointing to this as the last word on the argument. Hot steel will fail structurally, so there! This video is presented to you by Sparky the Metallurgist.

Note, please, that Sparky pulls the second piece of steel out of a red hot forge. How long was that steel in that forge in order to heat it to its core? What amount of time does it take for that piece of steel, exposed to very high temperatures, to finally become malleable?

My question would be, and yours should be also, was the World Trade Center a red hot forge? Was the temperature inside the core of the WTC at 1500 degrees for an extended period of time? Or, was the WTC fire in reality a flash fire caused by an eruption of jet fuel, which burned itself out in seconds leaving a smoldering oxygen starved office fire, which could be, according the firefighters' recorded radio traffic, knocked down by a couple of lines?

Hey Sparky! I have an analogous experiment for you. Take another piece of bar stock. Place it in a shallow pan with an inch or so of JP-8, or Kerosene if you will. Throw a lit match in it. Let it flame on. Let it burn itself out until you have only dark smokey smolder left. Then, pick up the bar stock with a gloved had (I wouldn't want you to be injured) and attempt to tilt the anvil as you did with the first piece of room temperature bar stock. Then, when it doesn't bend easily, attempt to bend it. Bend it deliberately. Measure how much force is required to make it fail integrally. Then calculate and extrapolate the force required to cause giant structural steel I-Beams to fail, after having been exposed to a brief flash fire.

Or, just take the Red pill and go back into the Matrix.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Cop Shoots A Man For DUI  has the story.  The video can be seen here,

You should probably go view it now, the video will not be up forever.

The prosecutor says, {...the evidence in this case shows the shooting to be accidental, and possibly negligent, but not criminally so. “This shooting is not justified, but also not criminal."}

Oh Yeah? Take a look and tell me what you see.

First money quote: 

"Ramsey said Feaster drew his gun when Thomas “popped” out of the car, believing he would flee. As Officer Feaster moved towards Thomas, the gun discharged and struck Thomas in the neck. The shot hit Thomas in the C7 and T1 vertebrae and could lead to him being paralyzed for life."

...and then:

"When backup arrived on the scene, Feaster did not mention anything about having fired his weapon. According to Ramsey, Feaster notified his commanding officer about the discharge only after Thomas’ gunshot wound was found." gets better:

"As the commanding officer suggested an investigator return to Canteena and try to find out if Thomas had been shot at the bar, Feaster revealed that he may have shot Thomas.
Ramsey said nearly 11 minutes passed before any other officers, medics or firefighters learned Thomas had been shot."
The policeman simply forgot to tell anyone he had shot a man.
Accidental? Does the shooting look accidental to you? Did the policeman have his weapon pointed at the victim? Did he have his booger hook on the trigger? What if you came upon a DUI crash, and instead of rendering aid, you draw your weapon and attempt to kill the driver? Do you believe for a second the DA or local prosecutor would stretch the benefit of the doubt so far as to call it "accidental", thus all but exonerating you?

Friday, December 11, 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hillary Clinton For President!

image found on Google

Here is her most effective campaign website. Go and learn what she is about and show your support!

Former ATF Agent Makes His Pitiful Argument

 image found on Google

Goon: Webster's definition.

A tip o'the hat to Gun Free Zone for pointing us to this. The Washington Post has put up this op-ed piece from a "firearms expert". What makes this guy an expert? Was he a member of the gun culture? No. Was he ever a gun dealer? No. Was he ever a gunsmith or a firearms designer? No. Was he a firearms collector or historian? No. So, what makes him an expert? Well, he had a official looking laminated I.D. and a shiny badge!  He held a job with a Federal Agency! That makes him an expert.

Remember folks, this guy is not the exception to the rule at ATF.

Remember how we keep hearing that the "vast majority" are good guys who mean well and just want to do the right thing? Remember how we are told that they are honorable men who just want to pursue hardcore criminals? If that is true, do you think the "vast majority" of those "really good guys" just don't know that the agency which employs them is run by guys who think like this?

One commenter, Calbeck, said what I was thinking.

"So you tell me: is the BATF just stupid when it comes to firearms, or are they just a pack of politically-motivated liars with a budget and bureaucracy to protect?"

I believe it is both.

Most of the comments are not particularly friendly.

Oh, and speaking of the above, It didn't occur to ATF agent John Dodson to openly oppose Fast and Furious until after Brian Terry, a fellow federal agent, was killed. 

His money quote:

 "I'm boots on the ground in Phoenix, telling you we've been doing it every day since I've been here," he said. "Here I am. Tell me I didn't do the things that I did. Tell me you didn't order me to do the things I did. Tell me it didn't happen. Now you have a name on it. You have a face to put with it. Here I am. Someone now, tell me it didn't happen."

Look here for more.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Forcing the NY SAFE Act

David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh have both covered this story.

More info here.

image found on google
First, the New Yorkers in the photo above deserve a thank you for standing up and saying no. Now, why aren't there hundreds of Law Imposement officers in their ranks? 
This is the comment I left on Sipsey Street Irregulars:

 Hey! I just had a thought. Maybe now is the time for all those "really good guy" Law Imposement officers to show themselves. Maybe now the "vast majority" who would "never do such a thing" will stand up and say,

"No, Boss! I ain't doin' it!".

Maybe now, just now, individually and through their professional organizations, those "good guys" who are in the "vast majority" will make themselves known. Maybe now they will make it clear that they will honor their oath and defend the natural rights of the people who employ them.

Hell, in NewYork City alone there are thirty-four thousand policemen. If just fifty-one percent, which is a simple majority, are those "really good guys", there should be more than seventeen-thousand policemen saying... nay, shouting from the roof tops,

"All free men have the right to arms! That right is natural and inherent. The NY SAFE Act is a massive infringement on that right! It is an abomination! We will not enforce it! We will not betray the people! We will honor our oath!".

Just think of how many others there are all over New York State. Their benevolence is going to erupt any minute now!

What's that? Don't hold my breath? What do you mean...?

Monday, December 07, 2015

Western Man, It Is Your Heritage. Embrace it!

Watch the entire series. Rediscover your heritage. Own it!

These days, it is the fighting carbine and pistol, as well as unarmed combative skills. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Watch this Jim West series also. I know Jim from the old days at Ft Bragg. He is the real deal. He makes a salient point toward the end of the first segment. "You have to be willing to hurt people."

Sunday, December 06, 2015

This Is The Fearsome Islamic State Army?

If they are so Mean and vicious, why are they all wearing dresses? Pretty blue ones at that.

Now, isn't that sweet? Hey, didn't the U.S. military just go completely gender integrated? Maybe our Army will begin wearing dresses too!

Wait a minute? Does this mean all cross-dressers are muslim terrorists?

OMG! Does this mean Bruce Jenner is a muslim terrorist?

Repost And Comment, Choose The Slower Cancer? has published this opinion piece by Derek Hunter.

image found on Google

It is entitled, The Democratic Party Is A Death Cult. Mr. Hunter does a fairly good job making his argument until he begins to condemn those who didn't vote for John McCain.

Then he says this, "It’s awful that our choice might be between someone who isn’t great and someone who is awful, but you dance with the girl who brung ya. I’d not only vote for Lindsey Graham, I’d work tirelessly to elect him if he wins the nomination. So when I read stories of moneyed insiders threatening to sit on the sidelines if their candidate isn’t the nominee I have to wonder how these people benefit from a Hillary Clinton presidency."

First, "Dance with the one who brung ya." is a notion to which liberal and moderate "Republicans" do not believe they are obligated to subscribe. They stab us in the back again and again. Do you remember George W. Bush saying repeatedly he would sign a re-authorization of the assault weapons ban if Congress passed it? Do you think he really didn't mean it? Or do you say to yourself, yeah but Congress wasn't about to pass it, so it doesn't mater... Democrats and moderate Republicans had been working together to get it passed. If those allies had been able to buy or coerce enough votes the bill would have been signed. It would have been Law today. Do you remember George W. Bush signing an expanded Medicare prescription drug law? Do you pull your blindfold tightly around your eyes and tell yourself that it wasn't an expansion of the welfare state by a "conservative"?

Hunter then goes on to tell us he would vote for Lindsey Graham, as an alternative to voting for an avowed (or closet) Marxist. His prescription for you is to vote for the Fabian Socialist, because he will do less damage that the Leninist.

I propose that a vote for any brand of Socialism is a vote for Socialism. A vote in favor of a slowly metastasizing cancer is not a vote against a more malignant form. They are both votes for self destruction.

In short, I propose to you that the Republican Party is wholly owned by the statist, progressive, Fabian Socialists. They are NOT the alternative to the Democrat Party. They are the flip side of the same coin. They both roll the same direction, always to the left.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

This Made Me Smile

This can be found on Youtube here.

Watch and smile. What do you think, Walt?

Arguing With Leftists Is Nonsense

On The Feral Irishman's Blog, a commenter asked this question:

" Has it ever occurred to such idiots that these types of shootings almost always take place in "gun-free zones"?"

image found on Google

The answer is, yes it has. They don't care. Their agenda is about controlling YOU, not about controlling "crime". They don't give half a fuck about crime and crime rates. They want to control you and prevent you from living your life as a free man.

STOP participating in THEIR argument. It is a distraction. It is mental masturbation. STOP saying to yourself, "Why do they keep proposing policies that just don't work? Are they that stupid?"

They are not stupid. They have a strategy. They keep proposing policies which have the opposite effect from what they claim to want, because they are LYING to you about what they want! They are at war with YOU. Keep that in mind and everything they do will make perfect sense.

Edit: After posting the above, I looked a Sipsey Stret Irregulars blog and Mike had posted a link to America's First Freedom where I found the following quote. This taken from the Clinton Administration archives. It is VERY worthwhile reading.

"Reviewing Clinton administration internal memos made it clear that gun control was a priority virtually from day one. But one thing was strangely absent. Not a single memo or document dealt with whether any of the proposed measures would affect crime. That was a non-issue in the Clinton White House."

I say again. They hate you. They are at war with you. ANY tactic which advances their strategy will be used against you. If "A" didn't work last week, they will use "B" this week. "C" is on the agenda next week. It will never end. They are at war. Get it through your head. They will NEVER leave you alone. They can't. They are at war. You are the enemy. You have not been subdued. You are an enemy standing, armed, in defiance of their plan to dominate you. They are not nice people, well meaning but misguided. They are evil. They want absolute dominion over you. You stand firm in your Christian faith and they spew venom at you. They hate you and they hate your beliefs. You had best be ready and willing to reciprocate.

The words of Rudyard Kipling in the Wrath of the Awakened Saxon are at the front of my mind these days. I keep thinking of what is remaining of America and their mindset:

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

 I am also reminded of the germanic berzerkers of fable and legend. The following is from one of John Norman's Gor novels:

" “Loosen your weapons,” said Svein Blue Tooth. The men shifted. Swords were withdrawn from scabbards; arrows were fitted to the string, spears more firmly gripped.

It seemed strange to me that men, only men, would dare to pit themselves against Kurii. I did not know then, of course, about the fury.

Svein Blue Tooth had his head down. I sensed it first in the giant, Rollo. It was not a human noise. It was a snarl, a growl, like the sound of a larl, a-wakening from its sleep. The hair on my neck stood on end. I
turned. The giant head was slowly lifting itself, and turn-ing. Its eyes were closed. I could see blood beginning to move through the veins of its forehead. Then the eyes opened, and no longer were they vacant, but deep within them, as though beginning from far away, there seemed the glint of some terrible light. I saw his fists close and open. His shoulders were hunched down. He half crouched, as though waiting, tense, while the thing, the frenzy, the madness, began to burn within him.

“It is beginning,” said Ivar Forkbeard to me.
“I do not understand,” I said.
“Be quiet,” said he. “It is beginning.”
I saw then Svein Blue Tooth, the mighty jarl of Torvalds-land, lift his own head, but it did not seem, then, to be him.

It seemed rather a face I had not seen before. The eyes did not seem those of the noble Blue Tooth, but of something else, unaccountable, not understood. I saw him suddenly thrust his left forearm against the broad blade of his spear. To my horror I saw him sucking at his own blood.

I saw a man, fighting the frenzy, tear handfuls of his own hair from his head. But it was coming upon him, and he could not subdue it.

Other men were restless. Some dug at the earth with their boots. Others looked about themselves, frightened. The eyes of one man began to roll in his head; his body seemed shaken, trembling; he muttered incoherently.

Another man threw aside his shield and jerked open the shirt at his chest, looking into the valley. I heard others moan, and then the moans give way to the sounds of beasts, utterances of incontinent rage.

Go here and read the rest. 

Western Christian Man MUST awaken. Western Christian Man must face his enemies with such fury.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Why Does The Islamic State aka Daesh Exist? Who IS Funding It? Why, The United States of America!

Mike at Sipsey Street Irregulars posted this on his blog. He linked to this Breitbart piece on the Benghazi special committe and what conclusions they have drawn.

Money quote:

“The Obama administration effectively switched sides in what used to be called the Global War on Terror [GWOT] when it decided to overthrow the sovereign government of our Libyan ally, Muammar Qaddafi, who’d been helping in the fight against al-Qaeda, by actually teaming up with and facilitating gun-running to Libyan al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood [MB] elements there in 2011,” explained Lopez. “This U.S. gun-running policy in 2011 during the Libyan revolution was directed by [then] Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and [the late Libya Ambassador] Christopher Stevens, who was her official envoy to the Libyan AQ rebels.”


“In 2012, the gun-running into Libya turned around and began to flow outward, from Benghazi to the AQ-and-MB-dominated rebels in Syria,” Lopez added. “This time, it was the CIA Base of Operations that was in charge of collecting up and shipping out [surface-to-air missiles] SAMs from Libya on Libyan ships to Turkey for overland delivery to a variety of jihadist militias, some of whose members later coalesced into groups like Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS [also known as IS]. . .”

Go. Read.