Friday, February 17, 2012

Al Gore Supports Capitalism, but, but, but...

This piece is from Reuters.  It seems Al Gore is a big Supporter of Capitalism, as it is "... superior to any other system for organising economic activity..."

Oh really, Mr. Gore? So you think the purpose of freedom and free enterprise is the "organisation (sic) of economic activity" ? Organized by whom? By you? If directed by you, Mr. Gore, then it isn't free enterprise, is it? If it is under your control, it isn't freedom at all. 

That is the point isn't it? You want control. The whole purpose of socialism/communism, isn't about distribution, nor is it about fairness, nor is it about what is best for "the people". It is about Control. You believe YOU will be in control once you socialist "sustainable capitalism" utopia is achieved. 

Quote from the Reuters piece, ""While we believe that capitalism is fundamentally superior to any other system for organising economic activity, it is also clear that some of the ways in which it is now practised do not incorporate sufficient regard for its impact on people, society and the planet," Gore said."


"... do not incorporate sufficient regard for its impact on people, society and the planet,"

 Here is the selling point. It always is the same. The implication and accusatory tone, "You don't care enough! I care more than you do, therefor I should be in control of everything and everybody! Then, I'll decide how much I think you need!"

The Communist slogan is, "From each according to his ability (Slavery, demanding your best effort at the point of a gun), to each according to his need (Decided by whom? Prove your need, if you can't, then you do not deserve...).

When I was growing up, any time I would ask my step-father for permission to do something, or go somewhere, my request was always met first with, 

"You think you need to?" 

I knew instinctively that there was no way I would be able to "prove" a "need" in order to gain permission.  You see, he was a Control Freak. He didn't care at all what effect this technique would have on me. He just knew that it worked. It got me to shut up. It put me on "pause".

Apply this to macro economics. Each person at the micro-economic level, must beg permission from some bureaucrat before gaining "license" to exercise his "freedom". This leads to economic stagnation at the macro-economic level. Control freaks know this full well. They don't care. Control is it's own reward. They want absolute control. Everything else is window dressing. 

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