Folks, rarely do we see it so glaringly. Rarely do we see it so obviously. Once in a while, the beast shows it's fangs. Sometimes, if you look closely, and listen intently, the evil which lives among us will show evidence of itself. We tend to psychologically project our good nature, our well meaning, our sense of justice, onto "the evil" and then deny that it meant what it said.
Does anyone remember Nancy Pelosi's response when asked where the Federal Government derives the Constitutional authority to pass nationalized health care?
Her response was "Are you kidding?"
Yesterday, Representative Alcee Hastings let slip his true intent, his true frame of mind, his philosophy if you will.
Please look at this link. It will only take a moment.
That was one of those moments. That was an honest glimpse into the mind of the beast, the evil which walks among us.
Control freaks and power mongers live only to wield power over other people. They MUST have other people to control. If abandoned, left completely alone, they go insane.
Mr. Hastings is NOT alone in this manner of thinking. It is COMMON in politics. The simple, unstated ethos is this:
There is not right or wrong. There is only what I WANT and what I DON'T WANT. There is nothing lawful or unlawful because WHAT I WANT is the sum total of the law.
Are there things which are legal and illegal? Sort of, but not really. In reality there is what I can get away with, and what I can't get away with.
You see how this works? The evil among us doesn't think like you and I do. They don't think like moral, rational, logical people. They think ONLY in terms of advantage. They think only in terms of power and control.
There should be no misunderstanding anymore. The beast has shown it's face plenty recently. It has shown its natural state when unconstrained by petty things like having to answer to a constituency. The beast believes you are stupid. If you were smart, like it is, you would live and act like it does, constantly seeking power and advantage over others.
You and I cling to concepts of right and wrong, separate from our whim. You and I cling to concepts of justice in this life or the next. The beast believes, truly believes, that you are an imbecile. You MUST be controlled and herded. The beast lives by P. T. Barnum's axiom, "There's a sucker born every minute."
Have you seen the movie, The Magnificent Seven? Eli Wallach says a line in that film which illustrates the point perfectly. "If God didn't want them sheared, he wouldn't have made them sheep."
One of Aesop's fables was of the frog and the scorpion. The scorpion asks the frog for a piggy-back ride across the river. The frog is naive enough to believe the scorpion's lie that he won't sting him, this time, because they both want to get across the river. Halfway across the river the scorpion stings the frog and the frog begins to feel paralysis. The frog then says, logically, "Why have you stung me? Don't you realize that we will both now drown?" There are two versions of the scorpion's reply. One has the scorpion saying flatly, "It is just my nature." The other has the scorpion saying flatly, "It is your own fault, you knew I was a scorpion before you let me onto your back."
Our current situation is just as in the Aesop's fable. The evil among us tells us daily what it really is, and what it wants. We project the illusory mask of decency onto the evil because we WANT to believe that he is like us, Logical, Rational, Fair-minded, believing in Justice, believing in value for value. We think, like children, that if we try hard enough, and we give the beast enough chances, it will see the light of truth and WANT to do what is right.
We are the ones who have been wrong. We are the ones abdicating our responsibility to resist evil. The evil among us does what it does because we allow it.
How many of you are willing, right now, to say publicly:
I DO NOT WANT your damned Socialist Security!
I do not want your medicare!
I do not want your medicaid!
I do not want your food stamps!
I do not want your WIC, AFDC, S-CHIPS, Welfare, or your damned school lunch program!
If you are not willing to say the above, and live by it, then go home. Admit that the evil among us has already won the war and you are a sheep, submitting to being sheared. Go home and work in drudgery for the day you can retire and collect your "benefits" from your Lord and Master, the Federal Government. Go home and forget your dream of one day living as a free man!
Give up the illusion of holding allodial title to your own life.
Go home and shut up!
There is, however, another course of action. If you are willing to live as a free man, if you are willing to take the risk and responsibility of providing for yourself, if you are ready to acknowledge the law written upon your heart by your creator as superior to all others, then declare your independence now. Take no more sustenance from the evil which would control you.
Our Republic, known as the United States of America, is still a union of States. The Constitution for the United States of America still exists. The States still retain their sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment. The natural right of secession is still inherent to these States. The people of the States still have the authority to change their own legislatures and to change their elected representation in the United States Congress. The people of the States still have full authority to change their government or alter or abolish it.
Do some form of P T every day. Put away from dry food stuffs. Go to the range and train with your weapons. Make a plan to purify and store water. Pray to God through our Lord Jesus Christ for strength and wisdom. Pray for the ability of discernment to separate evil masked, from genuine good. Find within you, and through your faith, the strength to resist with manly firmness the evil which lives among us.
We do not face a worldly enemy. We face a spiritual one. Evil is not of this world, but lives in it as we do. Prepare yourself to do violent things in order to resist evil.
Always remember, you desire to be left alone to live your life in peace. The beast desires to control you, or if unable to control, destroy you.
Take the red pill and see the world as it really is, or take the blue pill and go back to sleep.
The choice is yours. The time is now.